5 Ways to be authentic in your marketing



Authentic marketing, you have probably heard about it. Perhaps you know exactly what it is already, or you are doing it naturally anyway. But what is it exactly, and why does it seem to be such a buzzword all of a sudden? I’m Nina Eggens,  creative business coach, and I will share with you today what this type of marketing means and how you can be more authentic in the way you promote your small business online.




Remember not so long ago, when marketing was something that belonged in the world of corporate sales? Advertising meant boasting about a product or business, making it look all shiny, shouting about how good it is and why you should not miss out on buying. It was something that was mainly done by large agencies and meant that you could only be visible to a large audience if you bought expensive full-page ads in fancy magazines. Well, no more. 

Visibility nowadays means that you no longer have to spend your whole annual marketing budget on glossy ads and giant billboards. Instead, it’s all about showing up online and sharing your own unique story and message. 

Marketing trends show us that, over the past decade or so, and because of the influence of social media, customers don’t simply trust a brand anymore by seeing an ad. People are doing a lot more background checks before parting with their money. They read reviews, listen to what their friends recommend, and want to know more about you before deciding to buy from you. Following you on social media for a while to see what you’re about plays an important part in their decision-making. So how do you translate this knowledge into your marketing?


Honesty goes a long way. Authentic marketing means being transparent, and not hiding behind a fake image. People see right through that and won’t stick around. Promoting your brand and services, therefore, is all about connecting with your audience on a personal level, and getting your followers to see you as a human being as well as a business. If you want to turn followers into paying clients, you need to earn their trust. But how do you dothis? By understanding the client’s needs and their current reality, offering value, and helping them solve their problem. 

What does authentic marketing look like in real life?

Here are 5 things you can try when creating your content:


We all have a story. How it all began, why we are so passionate about what we do, or anything else that is worth telling and relates to our business. Storytelling is a great way of being authentic in your marketing. Tap into the emotions of your clients, by sharing your big ‘why‘ behind your products or services, tell people about yourself. People want to buy from a real person, not from a faceless shopfront. Share your passion in pictures; of your workspace, your messy desk, things that inspire you, your dog, your home, your ‘behind-the-scenes’. People love seeing the story behind what they buy. You can do this in daily posts on social media, or you can write a blog post about your background story, send a weekly email to your list, or record a video. Whatever tool you prefer.


If you feel confident enough, go Live on Instagram or Facebook and talk about what you do on video. Don’t worry about what you look or sound like; nothing more authentic than a little bit of imperfection! People are much more likely to relate to you. Tell people about your week, share some insights, maybe even give a mini masterclass about something you know and your clients would love to learn. It’s a great way to show your personality, but also to show off your knowledge and expertise in your industry.


What are the problems you are solving for your clients? Although authentic marketing is all about being yourself and building trust, at the end of the day you are a business, and you have to try and sell stuff. By looking at the needs of your client, and highlighting those in your marketing, people will be more likely to come to you for help. Being authentic is also showing in your marketing that you understand your client. If you tap into the pain points,or current reality, of your customer, and make them feel understood, you are one step closer to making a sale.


Authentic marketing means being relatable, and being yourself. But whatever you do; be visible! No matter how much of an introvert you are, if you want to grow your business you have to show up 100%. You don’t have to be on every single social media platform, but if you’re there, make sure that you are active. Know where your ideal client hangs out, and dedicate yourself to this place. Post every day, ideally, and be consistent and clear in your message. Show people who you are, and why you do what you do. Be helpful, offer value, and keep going. Nurturing an audience takes time.


Last but not least: being authentic also means not forgetting about yourself. Yes, we need to focus on our clients, but running your own business also has to be enjoyable for you. So check in with yourself now and then, to see how you feel about your business and the content you are creating, and be honest with yourself. Is it giving you energy or is it draining you? Do what feels natural to you, and ditch the rest. Just because everyone else is raving about reels, it doesn’t mean you have to do them. Choose what you are good at, and do more of it. Be yourself, show up, and make yourself and your message visible to the right people. Keep at it, and you will see the results. Promise.

Nina Eggens is a Creative Business Coach and copywriter. You can find out more about her services here, and you can download her FREE social media planner here.


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