You are a Nurturer!

Examples of brands that embody the Nurturer archetype include Johnson & Johnson, and Toms Shoes. These brands prioritize the well-being of their customers and actively engage in initiatives that contribute to the greater good, creating a sense of care and community.

Here are some key traits for the Nurturer archetype:

Social ResponsibilitY

Nurturers often engage in socially responsible initiatives, demonstrating a commitment to making a positive impact on society, the environment, or the community.

Wellness and Health Focus:

Many Nurturer brands align themselves with wellness and health, emphasising how their products or services contribute to the overall well-being and happiness of their customers.


Nurturer brands are characterized by a deep sense of compassion and empathy. They genuinely care about the well-being and happiness of their customers.

So what’s the best way for Nurturers to connect with their ideal clients?

Use Warm and Inviting Imagery:

  • Incorporate warm and inviting visual elements in your branding to strengthen the emotional connection with your audience. Photography and your colour palette can be a really important tool for this.

Create a Supportive Community:

  • Build a community around your brand where clients can connect with each other. This creates a sense of belonging and support, reinforcing the nurturing aspect of your brand.

Show Empathy and Understanding:

  • Demonstrate that your brand understands the challenges and needs of your clients. Talk specifically about their problems and your solution. Use empathetic language to convey that you genuinely care about their well-being.

Want to fast-track your progress?

Book a 30 Min Brand Strategy Call with me.

If you are sick of wasting hours in Canva and want a brand that you can feel confident about, AND that books those sales calls, the next step is to book a call so we can talk about how brand strategy can help you specifically.

In this call, we will:

  • Identify how your brand can stand out from your competitors. What is it that makes you so awesome?

  • Take a look at your current brand, identifying gaps or areas we can improve the connection

  • Discuss how brand strategy can help you to attract the right people, and repel the wrong ones

Hey! I’m Jane.


I know just how overwhelming it can be to run a business, to read all the blogs, and try to do everything yourself.

You are so passionate about your business, and it’s hard to know where to invest and who to put your trust into.

It’s our job to listen (and I mean really listen) to you, to delve into the strategy behind how we want people to feel when they interact with your brand. As an introvert, listening happens to be a superpower of mine, and I’ve been told this more than once by my clients! Creating a connection with your ideal clients is something that will make the difference between people browsing your site, or taking the next step towards working with you.

I’d love to chat to find out more about you and your business.



“You’ve totally got what I’m about and how I want the brand to look and feel - I knew it would be good but it’s totally surpassed my expectations. Thank you!”